
20 Year Reunion in 2006

It's almost time to start planning our 20 year class reunion, can you believe it? Feel free to use this weblog I've created to communicate - it's free! If you would like an email invitation to actually join the blog, email me at kathysalisbury@yahoo.com

Who is still local?

If you'd like, comment on this post with your contact information! Hey, at least share your email with us...

What kind of event do you think would be good this year?

These things can either be sort of formal, or be more casual & family-friendly. Any suggestions? What kind of cost is reasonable? Indoors or out? We've only got a few months left to plan and we'd like some feedback...

Are you planning on trying to attend the reunion this year?

If so, post to the blog or email me @ kathysalisbury@yahoo.com